
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My opinion of KAT VON D

Let me say that I go back and forth on whether or not I actually consider myself a "fan" of hers. I watched L.A. Ink when it started, and by the second season, I was over it. I guess you can say I am a "fan", UNTIL she opens her mouth. She seems like she's sweet, but at the same time she's extremely annoying. I basically just like looking at her.

Despite the fact that her fashion sense isn't that fantastic, she is very original. Unfortunately she rarely strays from her typical leggings, shredded t-shirts, bikini tops, and platforms. On occasion I have seen photos of her out and about and she actually really looks cute. The one thing I WILL say for her is her hair and make-up is ALWAYS flawless! She's a gorgeous woman and even though she wears a ton of makeup, I think she still looks great. Soooooo many girls out there love her and emulate her and personally I don't think that's a bad thing (if you aren't quite sure what your own identity is yet). I have compiled some of my favorite photos of her. Just by looking at them you will be able to tell what it is that made me post these photos (if not, dummy, email me and I'll tell you).
ALL fantastic photos! I prefer her with black hair, but I saw some photos of her with blonde, and she actually looked really cute! Here is one of them. is one last photo I had to share with you. All I can say is WHAT THE FUCK??!!!??!!! How...When...What did she do to make herself look like Jocelyn "The Cat Lady" Wildenstein's twin??? This HORRIFIED me! Is she getting too skinny (she has lost soooo much weight), is it the crazy mane, or did she get something done to her eyes (Lord let it just be the make-up)? You judge and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Im posting again...because Im trying to catch up a little.

So I came across this product and I thought it was BRILLIANT! It's called Betty Beauty and it's hair dye for your pubic hair! They also offer a waxing kit with cute little stencils. Now many of you probably think, "Who has hair down there to dye?". I personally keep it pretty neat and clean, but a completely bald kitty just seems so 10 year old little girl to me. A bit of a bush makes me feel more like a woman. Now a hot pink heart shaped bush...I LOVE IT!!!!
Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

Happy Holiday's!!!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas (and Hanukkah)! I was out of town and had a great time with my boyfriend's family. I got so many cute things...I will soon post some of my gifts for you to see.

When I got back into town, it was my cousins 21st birthday, so a bunch of us went out. This is what I saw at like 11pm on a Saturday!I HAD to take a photo for you guys to see.

Not only a fashion don't, but truely so not classy!

Here's a pic of me from that night...I soooo love my new faux fur! YAY!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sotheby's Holiday Party - Fashion DO!

Last night was our office party (at Tomer's gorgeously decorated home in Calabasas) and it was a BLAST! I love all of the people I work with and work jealous!
So...I took a photo of someone at the party that was a DEFINITE fashion DON'T, and that was going to be my "day after" blog. It's the holidays and despite my honest nature, I figured it would be MUCH better to show off alllll the "fashion DO's" in the office. Unfortunately I don't have pics of every one of them, but this will give you an idea of what fashionable people I work with...and some are exceptional fashionistas!

* exceptional fashionistas: Patte & Dana

* Sarah and Constance

* Melinda, Barbara, Jill, Sue, Karen, Patte, & Isidora

* my 2 loves: Dana & Isidora

* "The Gang" ...and some randoms. LOL!

The gorgeous Lee Women: Jessica & Karen

* nice ass in the background! REAL classy ladies! And at a work function no less!

* Selina my love & Karen

*all photos stolen from Patte Gilbert's Facebook. Thanks Patte! Maybe NOW you'll read my blog.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

ZAC POSEN: Pre-Fall 2010

Now that we know that Pre-Fall 2010 ISN'T too far ahead to look, I have brought some gorgeous Zac Posen for you to drool over, and hopefully inspire you. Keep in mind, if you see anything that I post, you totally won't be a nerd if you want to print it and take it with you to assist when you're shopping. I find visual aids are thee best when it comes to putting together a MAJOR outfit!

Back to Zac...this line has been described as Lewis Carroll meets Paloma Picasso. With the Alice In Wonderland-esque prints and the 70's style silhouettes, I think it's innovative and definitely creative. You may have to use a little extra imagination if you'd like to recreate one of these looks, OR you can max out the Visa and just pick one up. YAY!!!

*not too excited about the shoes though.


I know Pre-Fall 2010 is a bit early, but in fashion, it's right on time. I get out and about in the shopping world quite often (it's referred to as shopaholic), and I have found many pieces that one could recreate these gorgeous looks with.

Designer Christopher Bailey took a lot of influence from WWI military uniforms. You can also see the sharp shoulders (w/o pads...genius!), the long and lean belted coats, dark color - as in the tights worn. I'm loving the mix of the heavy military look with the soft feminine dresses underneath. Once again I'm a 50/50 girl...a bit masculine and a bit feminine spells me out correctly. Lastly the wonderfully high platforms are always a beautiful touch, as I feel the higher the better. I hope you enjoy this line as much as I do.